Forest Folk Retired

Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare

Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare

Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare
This Wee Forest Folk figurine depicts Santa's Trainee Mouse, a retired and rare collectible item from 1984. The intricate details of the handmade figurine showcase the craftsmanship and attention to detail put into creating this piece. The Mouse figurine belongs to the Animal Class of collectibles and falls under the category of Small Pets, making it a unique addition to any collection.
Wee Forest Folk Santa's Trainee M 116 1984 By Retired Rare